Freedom Dog Boarding

More Affordable for you with our Lower Rates

plus Dogs have Freedom

This page explains what is needed here at Freedom Dog Boarding for your dogs happiness and safety as well as other dogs happiness and safety.

We know you love your dogs. We know you want your dogs to be happy, loved by us and cared for properly.

And that is exactly what we will do. We will give them choices of things to do and the excitement of  Freedom on our 10 acres of securely fenced acres.  They will get to do exciting dog things that interest dogs.

They will be free, not on the end of a leash.  No little back yards or exercise pens instead acres to play in. No cement runs, all natural land.

Other dogs to run, play and sleep with.

Always we will cuddle them and play games with them because we know they are missing you.  We have even been known to let them sleep with us so they feel at home.

We will take pictures to send to you so you can see them having a good time and relaxing happily afterwards.

Dogs up to maximum 120 pounds outside so they fit through the doggie doors in our pens. If your dog is larger, we need to make sure it fits through the doggie door before coming to stay here at Freedom Dog Boarding.

Maximum 40 pounds inside our house to fit through the house doggie doors. In cases where a dog is to big to fit though the doggie doors inside our house, we may agree to opening the door for them.  All dogs must be house trained and not mark territory to be boarded inside our house.

All dogs must first come for a “Meet and Greet” so we can evaluate the dog, how the dog responds to strangers and of course how the dog responds to other dogs.  This will determine if kept in one of large outside pens with their own heated building accessed by a doggie door or inside our home with other dogs it gets along with. 

We will access your Dogs Body Language to determine what he is thinking and why he is thinking it.  It is important that your dog be happy here and for other dogs to be happy too.

Prior to being allowed on the property for a Meet and Greet and/or to be boarded, all Vaccinations, Deworming, Flea Control must be up to date. 

If not up to date, all Vaccines must be given  at least 7 to 14 days prior to entering our property. 

All Dewormers must be given 2 to 14 days prior to entering our property. 

Flea/etc Control products given 2 to 14 days during active Flea/etc seasons.   

Proof from your Veterinarian must be shown in writing from a Vet Clinic.  Ask your Vet for it if you do not have it.

If your dog has had a contagious disease in the last 30 days, it will not be accepted for boarding here. If your dog has had 1 or more than 1 of these symptoms in the last 30 days: Continual Coughing, Vomiting more than once or twice, Diarrhea, has Blood or Mucous in its stool, has what is described as Fatty Stool please show proof your Veterinarian has examined the dog and ruled out anything that is contagious to other dogs. The Vet must rule out the possibility of “Giardia” as well as all diseases and you must supply us proof from the Vet Clinic that the results are Negative.

You do not want to come to pick your dog up after your holiday with something it contacted at not just ours but anyone's boarding facility and neither does any other dog owner want to.

We need to know before you come here if the dog has any existing medical conditions such as Allergies, Wounds, Eye/Ear infections, Skin Conditions, Knee/Joint problems, needs daily medication, etc.

We can give all types of oral medication, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, wound cleaning, changing bandages etc of wounds which are already under your Veterinarians care. Please do not bring us a dog with any serious medical condition that has not been assessed by your Veterinarian already. Please bring all supplies and enough of them to treat the wound, treat eye or ear infections, skin conditions, etc.    Minor conditions easily treated do not need to be assessed by your Vet.                                                                                            

We cannot board dogs with any type of Pit Bull Breeding in their lineage as our Insurance does not include them.

All dogs 8 months or older for small, medium breeds and 10 months or older for dogs classed as large breeds we prefer Spayed/Neutered.   

The reasons for being Neutered is due to Testosterone, intact male dogs will fight/dominate other males.  They also may be more inclined to bite staff.  They also often will lift their hind leg and Mark Territory all over inside our home, etc.   Not Spayed females attract male dogs when just coming into heat, in heat and having just finished heat.  Having Non Neutered males on the premises, we have seen males go over, dig under and destroy fences to get to them.

So  NOT Neutered means the dog will be kept in a large, securely fenced pen with their own, private heated building, may not be allowed to socialize with other dogs and their 10 acres of Freedom may be restricted.

If you have an emergency causing you to be unable to be home for your pregnant dog due to give birth. Or maybe you booked your holidays far in advance so now need someone experienced to birth (whelp) your dog.  With decades of experience birthing dogs and a high success rate in saving compromised puppies at birth, we can do that for you.

 Absolutley no Aggressive dogs that bite or may bite people or other dogs.  This includes any dogs that nip other dogs even if not considered actual biting. Nipping can cause retaliation fighting among dogs or cause submissive dogs to be fearful.

No dogs that jump fences, climb fences or dig under fences.  This is for your dogs safe containment and the safety of other dogs.

Dogs need to “Come” when called when they are out freely running and playing on our 10 acres.  Or you show us how you get them to come.

No dogs that mark territory in the house.  Dogs that mark by lifting their hind leg and peeing all over will be kept in an outside pen if we accept them.

No dogs that are Destructive.  Destroying furniture, dog beds, floors, walls, doors, scratching at windows, destroying fences, excessive digging holes, etc.

We reserve the right to say “No” to any dog that we feel would not be a good fit with us or with other dogs. 

We will do toenails if they need doing.

If you have a seriously matted dog that your regular groomer would have to shave down if presented with the dog, we can do that for you.  Attempting to brush out a severely matted dog is painful for the dog.  We use number 7 and 10 blades.  Please note that some breeds with double coats, etc when possible should not be shaved due to uneven regrowth of hair.

We do not have the spare time to brush out dogs for people.  So please have your dog brushed out before coming here.  Especially shedding dogs need to be brushed out, loose hair removed before coming here.

We supply doggie blankets, doggie beds, dishes, lots of stuffed toys, squeaky toys, Kongs, Frisbees and balls to chase during playtime with us.  Although we have all sizes of kennels, we will not use a kennel unless you want your dog kenneled.  Mother Nature supplies birds, squirrels and rodents to chase.  Our land has been kept in its natural state so far more exciting to a dog than a man made, off leash dog park.                                             

PLEASE NOTE:  Our own pack of mini dogs often leave their Rawhide Bones/Chews scattered all over our yard.  If your dog should not or cannot have rawhides to chew on, please take this into consideration before booking here.

You supply your dogs food and treats. You supply collars, dog tags, harness and leash.  We supply everything else.

Because your dog has access to mega free exercise, it is not unusual for the dog to lose body fat while gaining muscle during an extended stay. So some dogs will then be hungrier, requiring more food from so much exercise.

We have Pet Insurance to ease your mind if the unexpected, unexplained were to happen.

In case of Emergencies, contact information for someone else other than yourself must be provided each time your dog(s) stay with us.

You are required to fill out our “Boarding Agreement” the day your dog comes to be boarded here.

To reserve boarding ahead of time for any Holidays, examples are Easter and Christmas, we require a “Non Refundable” cash deposit of 40% of your boarding fees. 

Total cash payment for the entire time of boarding must be paid the day you drop the dog off for boarding. Extras such as doing toe nails, shaving a dog down, birthing a pregnant dog, etc must be paid with cash when picking the dog up.

Minimum 2 days boarding fee during all Holidays.

We have kept our prices as low as possible to make your cost to have your dog loved and cared for affordable.

Inside Our House Per Day

One dog $28

Your own other dogs per day $25

Large Outside Pens Per Day:

Your 1st dog having an entire outside pen by itself due to Behavioral issues or because not Neutered. $55

1 or more of your own dogs in the pen, no other people’s dogs all your dogs each $35

If other dogs that are not your own dogs can be safely kept with your dog then $28  

Shaving matted dogs:  Dogs up to 40 lbs $45   Dogs over 40 pounds, $60

Brushing out tangled coats on dogs or shedding dogs if asked to $??

Toe Nails: We will not do toe nails on a dog that resorts to biting.  $10

Treating medical conditions daily that are under 15 minutes $0

Medical conditions that take over 15 minutes to be determined $??

Whelping a pregnant dog:  Depends on the dog, so to be determined $??

NEWS FLASH: To show our appreciation for you choosing us to board your faithful companions.  After a combined 9 days of boarding all at once or over several visits, the 10th day is FREE.

If you have adopted your dog from the Bonnyville SPCA or the Lakeland Humane Society at Cold Lake, you automatically receive 10% off everything we offer plus doing toe nails is free.

Monday to Saturday for Greet and Meet, Drop Off or Pick Up

NO SUNDAYS for Greet and Meet, Drop Off or Pick Up: This is our home and Sundays is for us and the dogs we are caring for.  Additional $60 charge if you must come on a Sunday.

GREET and MEET 12 Noon to 6 PM (cannot do after dark in winter time)

DROP OFF/PICK UP 8 AM to 8 PM No drop off or pick up after hours.  Security Gates will be locked before 8 AM and after 8 PM.

You must not enter our driveway security gate without speaking to us in person via phone, getting our verbal permission to enter and the appointment time to enter.

 Not by email or by a text message but verbally.  It can take time to safely secure dogs that are running free before your Meet and Greet, Drop Off and Pick Up time. 

Also: Due to some dogs on the premises potentially cannot be trusted with children for safety reasons we ask that your children remain in your vehicle if coming with you.  It is called “Bite Prevention".                      

For Freedom Dog Boarding

Please Contact

By phone or email

Gayle Bunney

“Specializes in Animal Behavior”

Box 7177

Bonnyville, Alberta

T9N 2H5

Phone: 780-826-7818 Please DO NOT TEXT, this is a landline

Leave a message, with your full name and phone number if no answer



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