Whelping Your Dog
at Freedom Dog Boarding
If you have an emergency causing you to be unable to be home for your dog due to give birth. Or maybe you booked your holidays in advance so now need someone experienced to birth (whelp) your dog.
We may be able to take the dog for you, birth and care for the dog and the newborn pups here at Freedom Dog Boarding until your back home here.
If possible your female should come up to a week early to settle into our home as a pregnant dog close to giving birth, then finding herself in a new location can become very upset when she enters the first stage of labor. Her natural instinct is to birth as far away as possible from other dogs and people she does not know.
With our decades of whelping dogs, if we determine your dog needs a C Section or treatment by a Vet for Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia, Unusual bleeding, Mastitis etc, a deposit to pay a Vet must be in place. This deposit can be left at Bonnyville Vet Clinic or with us. The deposit is fully refundable if not needed.
We have the knowledge to care for the newborns umbilical cords, assist in Breech births, to save pups born with a heartbeat and to get them breathing. We cannot revive puppies born without a heartbeat (still born). A true Runt puppy is not just smaller than its littermates but often born with little to no subcutaneous fat on its body. This can result in “Failure to Thrive” in 72 hours or less.
We have all whelping supplies and medical instruments already on hand to assist in delivery. Plus supplies such as heat lamps, heating pads, the syringes and milk replacer to feed weak puppies every 2 hours, day and night.
Speak to your Vet what Vaccinations, Wormer, Flea Control is safe for a pregnant dog as many are not.
Once a dog enters the first stage of labor, we never leave its side.
Freedom Dog Boarding where we specialize in loving and caring for your dog.